Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Day 1

The past three months flew by. A whole summer, gone. It's near the end of August and a new school semester has begun. Blessedly, I'm not a student this time around. I should feel guilty about this. I should have made better choices. I should have worn deodorant today, but I forgot. Life is full of shoulds, but there isn't much we can do about it after the fact.

I didn't set out spending the summer "finding myself," but it just worked out that way, like hitting all the green lights on the way to work or finding everything on sale that you need at the store - you don't plan it, it just happens. And you're left pleasantly surprised.

Really, though, three months ago I was ready to throw it all in the toilet and just flush it. My education, my life, my sanity. Just toss it and figure out what to do next. Apparently I was satisfied with being 35 years old and living paycheck-to-paycheck. Isn't that what all adult aspire to do? Live in a measly apartment in a measly town making a measly living??

Luckily my mind cleared. Enter butterflies and beautiful harps playing in dewey fields of roses? Hardly. More like wiping the grime off of a window or blowing the dust off an old book. There are things to see, stories to be told. I'm going to document them here, hopefully with enough zeal and humor to keep me writing and, you - if you're there - reading.

What kind of synopsis can I give you about the last year that doesn't leave me rambling like Ann Coulter (and if I ever do, please tell me, I can't stand that woman)?

Everything sucked. There, that was clear and concise.

I was a student at a community college. I worked a less-than-challenging job. I lived penny to penny. I was studying something I had absolute zero passion for. I was burned out. These are the basic facts that lead me to now, August 25th, 2010.

As of now, I'm not a student at a community college, I work two jobs (one lackluster, the other pretty good), and that thing I was studying - American Sign Language Interpreting - has started to light a fire in me again. Three months ago, when I was in the throes of negativity, I knew in my heart of hearts that all I needed was distance from everything related to school, work, and interpreting. Eventhough I spat out words of hatred and never-agains, I knew it was only a matter of time before I'd feel better about everything.

That time, I think, is now. Well, I hope.

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